
Some of my previous lecture notes can be downloaded from the slideshow on the right.

Some previous modules taught at various universities:

  • 1st year: Real analysis, vector calculus, discrete mathematics, mathematical methods for physicists, introduction to programming in MATLAB and Python.

  • 2nd year: Complex analysis, numerical analysis

  • 3rd year: Differential geometry, mathematical problem solving

  • 4th year: Cosmology, advanced differential geometry, maths for computer games and computer graphics.

I also offer a number of undergraduate research and masters projects. Previous titles include:

  • The Einstein Field Equations

  • Gravitational waves from the early Universe

  • Dark energy and modified gravity

  • Bayesian data analysis in Python

  • Monte-Carlo methods and cryptography

  • Extreme-value statistics in cosmology

  • Spectral distortion of the CMB

I welcome enquiries from final-year and graduate students about project supervision (including Warwick URSS, 4th year maths/physics projects and PhD enquiries).